Jennifer Love

Born in Newport Beach, California, and raised in northern Utah, Jennifer Love spent much of her life soaking up the boundless beauty of the contrasting landscapes from Northern to Southern Utah. The oldest child in her family, Jennifer was an honors student with a love for Art classes. She studied ballet for a decade as a childe, eventually evolving from physical expression to visual expression.   

Jennifer credits her eighth-grade art teacher as the spark that led her to pursue an enduring path in fine art. This inspiration culminated in her earning a Teaching Minor in Fine Arts, along with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and a Minor in Spanish from Westminster College of Salt Lake City (now Westminster University). She maintained an art scholarship during her undergraduate years, always returning to the studio for a sense of freedom. The scent of charcoal, graphite and linseed oil in those art studios became catalysts for what would blossom into a lifelong love affair with art. Jennifer later returned to Westminster for a Master of Professional Communications degree.

Post-graduation, Jennifer began a career in the business world of television and media. But her quest for creativity inspired her to begin immersing herself in art workshops, which would lead her to the professional art scene.    Jennifer’s art is a vivid celebration of the changing seasons, the play of light and shadow, the sights and sounds of the places she has traveled, and the comforting hum of familial love. She often incorporates butterflies into her work. For Jennifer, butterflies represent the beauty that can come out of life’s struggles. She also favors flowers, nature, and the mischievous Kokopelli in her paintings.    

Jennifer’s  work is often marked by saturated color, pattern, and texture. The innovative technique of weaving paintings, developed after several experiments, has become a defining element of her work, adding unique texture and life to her pieces.  Her dedication to creating distinctive pieces has earned her multiple awards and honors, including Signature Status in the Utah Watercolor Society, Honorable Mentions, Juror’s Awards, and an Award of Excellence.  Her watercolor paintings are often selected for inclusion in the Utah Arts and Museums annual Travelling Exhibition, bringing beautiful art to underserved communities of the state of Utah.  Jennifer’s paintings have found homes in many private collections across the United States, Canada, and Europe.

In Fall of 2021, Jennifer was selected to participate in the Utah Division of Arts and Museums Creative Aging Training Program with Lifetime Arts. Since then she has found great joy in teaching drawing and watercolor workshops tailored to the needs of mature adults. 

After her husband's diagnosis with Early Onset Parkinson's Disease in 2006, Jennifer began contributing a percentage of her annual art profits to Parkinson's Disease research. Even while shouldering multiple roles - caregiver, wife, mother - she finds joy creating and teaching art.  Jennifer believes in the need for beauty and balance in life and feels art is an essential element in our society, education, and daily life.